Made to Connect – ONE BIG HAPPY HOME

MAde to Connect

Train your team on your schedule

Are you looking to make a real impact on your community? Do you want to connect with children and their families? Then you won’t want to miss Made to Connect.

At Made to Connect, you’ll learn how to create a safe, welcoming, and loving environment for children in your church community who may be struggling. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of the impacts of trauma and practical tools for working with kids who have experienced it. Plus, you’ll walk away with a solid plan of action to empower your church leaders and volunteers to do the same.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of those who need it most. Join us at Made to Connect and be the light your community so desperately needs! 

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With a highly relatable tone, disarming humor and the credibility of having learned some of these lessons the hard way, Ryan and Kayla gave us a holistic road map on how not to merely understand children with traumatic backgrounds, but how to engage, connect and attach.

Jillana Goble

Every Child Oregon

Ryan and Kayla are experts on Trauma-Informed Children’s Ministry.
They are the best I know on this subject.

Jason Johnson

Christian Alliance for Orphans

What Makes Made to Connect Unique?

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Will Made to Connect Help our Ministry?

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Ryan and Kayla North have an incredible model to train churches to make their spaces safe and effective for the most vulnerable in a community. I have researched the best trauma training for churches, organizations, and more offered, and I find Made to Connect to be the best. I brought them to my local community, and can say there has been a marked rise in individuals served through CarePortal attending local, trauma-informed churches who have created safe, welcoming spaces.

Courtney Ross


Our team was blessed to receive such expert and applicable training. Everyone present walked away with specific strategies to implement in their ministries to support families in caring well for their kids. Kudos to the Ryan and Kayla for the stellar way that are leading in transforming our city and beyond.

Jeremy Varnell

Children's Pastor

Will Made Connect help our community?

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Our earliest relationships shape us in so many ways. They influence how we trust, how we set boundaries, and even how we ask for help. That’s why it’s crucial to understand how our childhood experiences impact our adult relationships.

Children’s Ministry is not just another program at your church – it is the heartbeat of your community! It’s the place where families find belonging, where children experience the love of Jesus, and where lifelong friendships are formed. Sure, programming, curriculum, and all the bells and whistles are important. But let’s not forget the power of simply making children feel safe, welcomed, and loved.

We’re passionate about equipping churches to do just that. Sure, programming, curriculum, lights, and music all play a role in making Children’s Ministry a fun and engaging place for kids. But let’s not forget the lasting impact of creating a safe, welcoming, and loving environment for them. When children feel safe, they’re more likely to experience and accept God’s love.

Get ready to have your eyes opened and your heart filled with compassion! This training is like no other, as it reveals the crucial link between the difficult things we all go through and our ability to build healthy, loving relationships with others.

After just one day, you’ll walk away with a wealth of knowledge about the impacts of trauma and practical tools for working with children who have experienced it. But that’s not all – you’ll also have a solid plan of action to equip your church leaders and volunteers, so they too can better serve those in need.

We’ll dive into how we are affected by our experiences and how they shape our behavior. And most importantly, we’ll share practical strategies that you can use to make a real difference in the lives of children in your ministry. 

Plus, with our empowering plan of action, you’ll be able to train and inspire other leaders and volunteers to do the same. 

Complete the form below and find out how you can join the hundreds of churches nationwide participating in this transformational training.